Quality assurance

All Fabrika deliveries meet applicable requirements and specifications, and we constantly inspect for quality. We can guarantee that you receive the uniform, high-quality products you need.

High-quality and ongoing control

At Fabrika, we are very committed to delivering high-quality electric motors. Therefore, we constantly inspect for quality so that all our deliveries meet applicable requirements and specifications.

Our quality department maintains the highest standards of quality in production processes. We can guarantee that you receive the high-quality products you need.

Excellent quality control

Our quality specialists ensure that the products we supply are thoroughly checked and produced according to all applicable Western standards. Our quality specialists have many years of experience with electric motors and quality assurance during production.

And if you need a product with special documentation, we have a wide network of partners so we can always help you in the process.

Do you want to know more about what we can offer?

Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our team will be happy to help you find the perfect solution for you. If you prefer contacting one of us directly, you can find personal contact information for our sales staff here.