Small business secures its position with Fabrika’s prices

Quick and safe delivery at the right price secures Honeycomb Cellpack’s continued survival

Denmark’s smaller companies have a special need for reliable partners. Economy and trust are important factors, as the price must be right, and the customer must be able to trust that the supplier is reliable, fast, and ready for change. That is why the Danish company Honeycomb Cellpack chose Fabrika as a permanent supplier of electric motors.

Fast and adaptable

Honeycomb Cellpack is a 100% Danish company that produces packaging for shock absorption and transport. In cardboard production, the use of conveyor belts and electric motors is a central part of the flow Therefore, Honeycomb Cellpack needs a supplier of electric motors and gears that can deliver quickly and safely – and at the right prices, of course. That is why Fabrika is a regular supplier of electric motors for Honeycomb Cellpack, and has been for several years.

Positively surprised by Fabrika’s competitive price levels

That price matters is hardly a surprise to anyone. But for smaller companies like Honeycomb Cellpack, it is essential to the company’s survival in a market under pressure from larger companies abroad. Fabrika can offer Honeycomb Cellpack competitive prices, and this helps to ensure the company’s continued survival and success in the market.

“We have been positively surprised by the prices at Fabrika,” says Bent Kjeldsen, Production Manager at Honeycomb Cellpack. “We are a small company, and we are in a market that is under pressure from large international companies. Therefore, we have to be able to adjust our production in a hurry and so it is important to us to have a close supplier. Furthermore, they can deliver the components at competitive prices, which is even better. Fabrika can do all that.”

Quick response time saves the company money

Fabrika is happy to be able to contribute to the growth and success of smaller companies and continue to operate in the market. Therefore, competent advice and short response times are an essential part of Fabrika’s core values. We know how important it is to be fast and efficient so that the customer can quickly get on with their project with a competent answer. That is why Honeycomb Cellpack chooses a permanent collaboration with Fabrika.

Do you want to know more about what we can offer?

Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our team will be happy to help you find the perfect solution for you. If you prefer contacting one of us directly, you can find personal contact information for our sales staff here.