Possible modifications include emergency brake, CE plug, and much more.
Power: 0,18 to 18,5 kW
Pole numbers: 2 to 8 poles
Size: IEC 63 to 180
Application: For use in for example belt grinders
Customizable: Yes
At Fabrika, we can take care of almost every modification to your motor and deliver a perfect motor solution to you. As in this solution, that we developed for a customer, we adapted one of our standard motors to their specific needs. We built in a start-/stop-switch and an electrical brake relay, which was needed in the customer’s production. You can include Fabrika already in the development of your engine so that together we can find a solution that fits! We are always ready to talk about electric motors and discuss your options.
Possible modifications include emergency brake, CE plug, and much more.
Power: 0,18 to 18,5 kW
Pole numbers: 2 to 8 poles
Size: IEC 63 to 180
Application: For use in for example belt grinders
Customizable: Yes
At Fabrika, we can customize your motor to meet your specific needs. This approach is faster and more efficient than making adjustments yourself. If a standard motor doesn't meet your requirements, we can help. Whether you need a motor with cables for easy plug-in, higher torque, compact size with maximum performance, or specific assembly for your machine, we’ve got you covered. Our expertise in customizing motors saves you time and effort, significantly benefiting your bottom line. Contact us to learn more about the advantages of Fabrika’s customized electric motors.
Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our team will be happy to help you find the perfect solution for you. If you prefer contacting one of us directly, you can find personal contact information for our sales staff here.
“Fabrika has never failed to meet specifications,” says IRON Pump’s Project Engineer. Discover how our collaboration excels.
Customized electric motors are essential in Gram’s ice cream manufacturing machines. Discover our collaboration and how we ensure success.
Cardboard production is a highly competitive market. Fabrika’s prices mean Honeycomb Cellpack can combat the giants.